Logan Latin Lover
We used to run into Logan, 3, every second morning after dropping off Sidney’s human sister at school. He seemed to be waiting for us, better: for Sidney, behind some tree at Lecce’s Piazza Mazzini. As soon as he had spotted her, he came running, pulling whoever was at the other end of the leash, behind him. However, our walkies’ directions changed for some reason and we never got to see each other any more. Until a couple of days ago, when we ran into each other again. You could tell: Logan couldn’t believe his eyes. You could also tell: They were both in seventh heaven for a couple of moments. Logan’s owner, Carol, 43, presented herself as art director and head of the Cordella Fashion School around the corner. And told me all the nicknames they’ve made up for daredevil Logan, the “Salento Sheperd” (Carol): Ninni, Kimmy and Amore beige… Here’s their story.
Dear Carol, tell me about how you found each other…
Covid had taught me that our son Leonard needed company. Why not let him share his life with a four legged sibling, we thought? And I had already made an appointment at the local kennel to pick one for him, when a friend sent me a picture of a puppy that had been abandoned on the streets. From that moment on there was not doubt that Logan would be ours! I had a feeling he had chosen us and we accepted with great pleasure. Logan arrived at our home like a little guardian angel and immediately loved everyone. He spread joy wherever he showed up, in the family, at work, among my students… I couldn’t have been happier, especially because it was a difficult period for all of us, my father wasn’t well etc. We needed him so much and he gave us everything.

What’s so amazing about Logan?
Logan has empathy that goes beyond. He seems to understand every mood and situation. None of us will ever forget how gentle and kind he was with my father in a particular moment. He just spreads love, continuously and without hesitation. He IS special. What I personally adore about him is the way he searches our gaze and his soft ears…
How would you describe your relationship?
We live in perfect symbiosis. Every step I take is also his. We are both blonde, with brown eyes, that can’t be a coincidence! We ARE the same. And we both love to LOVE!
What do you know about his secret passions?
He loves chasing pigeons, swimming in the sea and digging large holes on the beach. Then of course he plays soccer with his human brother Leonard. Logan loves biscuits, has an unlimited passion for slippers and loves being scratched behind his ears.

Do you have a secret code?
Looking into each other’s eyes and his paw placed on my legs or hands. That’s it.
What makes him obey no matter what?
Snap your fingers, take the house keys or call him by his nickname: Ninni
If your dog was a person: Who would he be?
To me he actually is fairly human already. No kidding, he would definitely be my best friend, the one with whom you share your dreams and passions. To my son Leonard he actually became the best friend forever BFF and that fills me up with joy.

Why do you love him?
Logan is my first dog and I actually had no idea how strong this bond could become one day. I had heard a lot about it, the owner-dog relationship, but I would never have imagined a symbiosis to this extent.
What was the loveliest thing your dog ever did?
It was a moment like in a romantic american comedy. I will never forget the day Logan met Sidney, the female chocolate labrador, for the first time. It was in front of a school gate, love at first sight. From that day on, every time they meet during the morning walk, love is in the air. Almost embarrassing how much he adores her and how shamelessly he shows his affection… Really, these two are incredibly sweet to look at.
Did your dog change your relationships with others?
Logan is very friendly with everyone! I like that a lot. In the Academy the students would sit close to him and caress him, they’d talk about their ideas and problems. And he listens, quietly, like a real therapist. It’s magic.

Where do you leave him when you have to go away for a couple of days?
He usually joins us on our family trips, but in case of vacations he stays home with some family member. I’d never leave him alone! He’s used to his house and I couldn’t stand the idea that he feels abandoned. He is visibly sad when I leave and hardly eats until I come back and find him waiting for me on the armchair in front of the house. To tell you the truth: We make video calls with him while we’re gone just to cheer him up!
Is there anything that annoys you about him?
Well, he hates scooters! He’d eat them all up if he could 😉 And then obviously he destroys all my slippers. They never last long!
What are your favorite things to do with him?
In the evening when we go to sleep, he lies down somewhere right next to my shoulder and stares at me for a loooong time. In the morning we enjoy our coffee (me) and biscuits (him) together. Then of course long walks off the leash.

Any dreams you’d like to come true with your dog?
I’d like to take him to Los Angeles with us. We already have the passport!
Is Logan allowed on your bed…?
Sure, he’s family! Uncles, cousins, nephews are constantly looking for him to play with him or simply take him out for a walk. He sleeps on the bed with me and my husband, it has never been an issue.
Any advice you would like to give to someone who wants to get a dog but can’t decide?
I would say: Adopt a dog from a shelter. They are little angels who have a lot of love to give and you can feel the warmth that they share every day. Their faithfulness and loyalty is disarming.