Truffles season!

Italian photographer Dino Frittoli and his wife Erika had been looking for a dog that would fit into their busy lives. They stumbled over the Lagotto Romagnolo, the former “duck dog” that over the years became famous for truffle hunting. They instantly fell in love with Quiri, their laid-back and affectionate companion that loves the outdoors as much as they do

What’s the most special thing about dogs for you personally?
They understand us so much more than we understand them, mainly because we have lost the connection to nature. Yet, there is so much beauty in the relationship between dogs and humans. Quiri teaches us, especially me, a lot every day. Patience, above all things! And when she unterstands we’re having our difficulties with patience she’s even more patient, unbelievable. In fact if she were a person she would be my wife Erika, the two of them are similar in many ways.

What kind of relationship did you establish?
I guess it’s the usual dog-man kind of relationship. There’s moments when we notice we’re exaggerating, that’s when she becomes too human, takes advantage of our weakness, asks to play with the ball too often, wants treats between meals, go out when she wants etc. But then again, she’s at the center of our lives, takes full part in everything we do. So why not spoil her a bit…?

You chose an Lagotto Romagnolo for a reason?
Well, it has many extraordinary characteristics. They are officially recognized for the search for truffles! A very ancient breed, defined by experts as a rustic dog. In former times it was used as a hunting retriever, then they discovered their extraordinary sense of smell. These characteristics make it a dog that is always ready to play, never aggressive and very obedient, a friend of children and respectful of the house. Like all dogs, the first months were a bit of a challenge. This breed can get even more demanding than others. We took Quiri on endless walks in the woods, every single day, because they need contact with nature like air to breathe.

Anything you particularly like doing with her?
We’re doing almost everything together! Quiri is always by our side. Just recently we took her on a trip through Europe, everyone loved it. Outside we enjoy playing ball. Or we keep her and her nose busy, hiding objects in the house that she has to find and bring back. Erika is taking her to agility training lessons twice a week. They’ll soon be competing with others, that’ll be interesting.

One thing: Is she allowed on your bed?
No she isn’t. There’s a couple of no-go zones in the house and she respects that. She sure sleeps in the same room, but in her own bed.

PS: Dino Frittoli and his wife Erika were shooting portrait pictures at famous Putignano Carnival in Puglia, when I asked them for the interview ( Sure their Laghotto Quiri was there, too.
